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Quantum Chemistry common data format Q5COST and OpenBabel: A first answer to interoperability in Quantum Chemistry. |
Nome: DOC_APL_TechnicalReportCESGA-Q5COST-Openbabel-2007_V0.pdf |
Tamaño: 582.22 KB |
Descrición: Abtract: The Q5COST format has been designed and implemented with the aim of develop a Common Data Format for promoting code interoperability in Quantum Chemistry. Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. This document try to be a step by step guide about the use of the Q5COST binary format (based on HDF5, a unique technology suite that makes possible the management of extremely large and complex data collections) and how to integrate it on OpenBabel.
Keywords: Quantum Chemistry, Q5COST, OpenBabel,HDF5.
Publicado: 20.06.2008 14:34 |
Actualizado: 20.06.2008 14:47 |
Master HPC |
PRACE Award 2009 |
Itanium Alliance Award |
Membro de Gelato |
Acreditación EUGridPMA |
Dominio galego |